
Keeping the college community healthy during respiratory illness season

With the arrival of fall comes respiratory illnesses season. We can all take precautions to keep ourselves and each other healthy by covering our cough or sneeze, regular hand washing and staying home when sick.

Recently the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) updated its.

Stay home when sick
Students, faculty, staff and campus visitors should stay home if feeling sick and unable to participate in regular activities. While sick, please self-monitor and only return to campus when you are able to fully participate in regular activities.

Students and employees experiencing symptoms of a respiratory or gastrointestinal illness are not required to provide a note from a health care provider to confirm their health status.

Clean hands
Regular hand washing with plain soap and water or using an effective hand sanitizer reduces the spread of illness. Everyone should practice diligent hand hygiene to prevent the spread of infections.

Respiratory etiquette
Please cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue. Throw away used tissues and immediately clean your hands. Refrain from touchingyoureyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands. Refrain from sharing any food, drinks, unwashed utensils, cigarettes, or vaping devices.

Non-medical masks and face coverings
Where there are no health orders in place, the decision to wear a mask on campus remains a personal one, based on individual preference. Students, faculty, staff or campus visitors may choose to wear a mask or face covering throughout the day or for certain activities. The choice to practice additional personal prevention measures should be respected.

Vaccines are the most effective way to reduce the risk of serious illness from many communicable diseases, such as COVID-19 and influenza. Students and staff are encouraged to ensure they are up to date on all recommended vaccines for communicable diseases. Visitto learn how to get vaccinated this fall.

The BCCDC hasfor students who are new to B.C. from other parts of Canada and internationally.

Some experiential learning placements such as practicum, clinical, and co-op placements may require students to be vaccinated. This includes health sciences students working in certain health care settings as identified by the Order of the Provincial Health Officer.

More information
Learn more about vaccination and communicable disease prevention in the workplace on thewebsite. Evidence-based immunization information and tools for B.C. residents are available fromandwebsites.

If you have any questions regarding communicable disease prevention or campus safety please emailOHS@camosun.ca.

Թϱ Communicable Disease Prevention Plan

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